Fortunately, Piggyvest understands how important accessing your saved funds is. So, they’ve designed a seamless way to change your withdrawal bank account. However, there are still some restrictions to prevent fraud. In this post, we’ll take a look into how you can change your Piggvest withdrawal bank account along with the restrictions surrounding it.

Terms for Updating Your Piggyvest Withdrawal Account

Before updating your withdrawal account number, keep in mind that;

Update Your Bank Account for Withdrawals

Once you confirm that you’re within the terms for changing your account, simply follow these steps below;

Log into your Piggyvest account

On the navigation panel located at the bottom of your screen, tap on “Account”

Scroll down on that page and then tap on “My Card & Bank Settings”

Next, tap on “Withdrawal Settings”

On the pop-up, tap on “Update Bank”

Enter your new account number and select a bank

Tap on “Verify Account”

And that’s how to update your account.  We hope that you found this article truly useful. Share this post with your friends and family who might need this. Also, let us know how easy it was for you to switch accounts in the comment section below.