The launch has been officiated by H.E Ambassador Mugisha Fred the Deputy Head of missions of the Ugandan Embassy and acting Ambassador in Beijing. He called upon the students to use the seeds for the future program to create networks that will further their ambitions in life. The seeds for the Future program was launched by H.E Yoweri Museveni in 2016 and over 40 Ugandan Students have gone to Chine up to 2019. Approximately 150 have taken part in the online training up to date since the 2020 online program.  READ ABOUT: Honor Magic 3 series: First Release Since Huawei sold Honor This year’s online training program has attracted as attracted 119 students from 15 universities of Uganda both public and private universities such as Makere, MUBs, Lira, Gulu University, Soroti, Nkozi, and Cavendish university among others.  This eight-day virtual training consists of three-hour pre-recorded courses and 13 hours of a live stream in technology entry-level and advanced sessions such as 5G, A.I., and Cloud. The seeds for the future program shall cover hot topics of the tech industry such as cyber security and also give interactive visit sessions to the Chinese Great Wall and other sites.   According to the deputy managing director and Public Relations Director of Huawei Uganda Mr. Gaojian, He further encouraged the students to attend the virtual training fully for them to be able to graduate, acquire Huawei certification, goodies, and internship opportunities. Let us know in the comment section if you have been following the HuaweiSeeds for the Future Programs for the past years and what has been your key highlights from the event thus far?