The life of the snack bundle you purchase depends on that of the unlimited bundle you are subscribed to, it is only to fill the space/days left before your bundle expires. Let’s say you have bought an unlimited bundle on the 22nd of this month and its due to expire the next month on the 22nd, and before you reach the expiry date you realize you have reached your slow speeds. If you recharge a snack bundle it will live for the remaining days and expire together with your unlimited package. And just in case the your snack runs out long before the expiry date of your unlimited package, you are eligible to purchase another as you can load as many snack bundles as possible. Read About: Smile Flexy, Smile Uganda’s new daily data bundles The following Snack bundles are available to customers with an active Unlimited bundle: Some terms to note:

The snack bundles can only be recharged through MySmile, Smile shops, kiosks and Smile Communications direct sales representatives. You can pay with MobileMoney, VISA or MasterCard or cash at the Smile outlets closest to you. Snack bundles can only be used along with an active Unlimited monthly bundle. Snack validity is dynamic and will adapt the same validity as your current active Unlimited data bundle. The Snack bundle will be valid until your active Unlimited data bundle expires.