As you follow more and more people, your feed becomes more and more congested until it becomes a long stream of bad jokes, intolerance, and obscenities among others. In this article, I will discuss a way to organize your Feed on Twitter using Twitter lists.


A List is a curated group of Twitter accounts. You can create your own Lists or subscribe to Lists created by others. Viewing a List timeline will show you a stream of Tweets from only the accounts on that List. This can be a useful way to make sure you do not miss out on anything from your favorite Tweeps. You can also follow your competitors using Twitter lists as we shall see later on in this article.

How To make a Twitter List

Twitter allows you to create up to 1000 Lists. Follow the steps below to create a list. The list created can be public or private. For a public list, the people you add will be notified that you have added them on to your list. People can also follow your public list. For a private list, no one will know they are in your list and no one can follow your list. This is a great way to track your competitors.

How to add or remove people from your list

How To find a List’s URL to share

How To edit or delete Lists

How To follow other people’s Lists

This is what you should know basically about Twitter Lists.